Welcome to San Diego Blog | October 9, 2017

5 Ways to Connect With People In Your City


Today we see a new generation of City Dwellers who choose to live in cities because they want to be at the heart of creativity, culture, commerce, and mainly other people, even if they don’t know them. Although we may be constantly surrounded by people in the city, often very little effort is put into making meaningful connections with each other.  Let’s remind ourselves that the spirit of our city is made by the people who live there!

On that note, here are 5 tips to my fellow San Diegan city dwellers on how to feel more connected to the people in your city…

Tip #1: Spend Time Outside of Your Condo, Car, and Office

 In San Diego, it’s always perfect weather for a walk down the street, to hang out in any of our amazing public spaces like our beautiful new library, or spend time in the local shops and restaurants. Before you know it, you will probably connect with someone – even if it is just a smile, eye contact or a few brief words.

Tip #2: Be Present

So you made it out of your condo, but now, you’ll need to get out of your own head too. Take it all in, observe your surroundings, look up from your cellphone! If you aren’t present in your city, you aren’t going to even notice the people living in it with you.

Tip #3: Smile!

We all know the common saying that actions speak louder than words, and sometimes a smile does too. If you have positive energy, it shows. You come across as more open and people will want to talk and connect with you.

Tip #4: Small Talk

Small talk doesn’t have to be just about the weather, or awkward greetings in an elevator. Just the other day while crossing the street, a stranger asked me for directions to the library. Instead of simply pointing to direct her, we chatted a few moments and I even saved some of her favorite novel suggestions to add to my reading list! Taking a few moments to chat with your barista, Lyft driver, or the stranger on the street is all it takes to make a unique connection.

Tip #5 : Volunteer

Get involved in a local organization or cause that you can really get behind on. It is a pretty big commitment compared to the previous suggestions, but it will definitely help you feel more connected to your city and the people in it too.

Written by: admin

Categories: Culture, Experience

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